Thursday, August 26, 2010

Franz Ferdinand

Okay, let me first start by saying, why is it that Lindsay Lohan gets out of jail early? Nobody even cares about her!!!! I understand that Lil Wayne isn't the best role model (okay, he's a horrible role model), but c'mon! he's definitely more relevant that Ms. Lohan. Besides, Lindsay Lohan might change her ways because of jail, I doubt that jail will change Lil Wayne's ways......Damn,....I digress....uhm what was todays topic again? Oh! Right. Franz Ferdinand. Heres a quick history lesson; Franz Ferdinand (AKA Archduke Franz Ferdinand) was the soon to be leader of Austria whose murder sparked WWI. Funny thing about that history lesson....Franz Ferdinand the band has nothing to do with the dead guy. Franz Ferdinand the band was formed in 2002 in Glasgow, Germany, and their name actually comes from a racehorse whose name happened to guessed it, Franz Ferdinand. Their first song was the oh so catchy "Take Me Out", a song that you might remember from those old PSP commercials (humph, didn't think so...)

Franz Ferdinand's claim to fame is their "Glam rock" style, not unlike that of older rock groups such as Queen and the Bee Gees (the music your parents blast, you know, "Another One Bites the Dust"..."Stayin Alive"... those guys)

What I really like about this band though, is that from day one, their focus has been on trying to set themselves apart from the crowded "light rock" genre. They're no Coldplay, you will not find yourself guessing if thats Franz Ferdinand, you will know it. Their music is unique, and upbeat and quirky. Overall though, its alot of fun. Here's "No you girls" off their newest album.

......still working on a signoff phrase...(Matt Farmer)

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