Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shoot Up the Doubters

My life right now is crazy. College is tough and I feel as if no one in the world recognizes exactly how hard i'm trying to make it in this world. My professor asked me today "Are you sure your ready for college?" The truth is I've been prepared. Anyone in this world who knows they're going to be someone in this world, and is ready for success needs to keep that in mind forever. If anyone tells you different...make sure you tell them they're wrong. You are right, you are powerful, and you most definitely control your own success. Anyone reading this, feeling some type of way about life, let this be an eye opener to you. "Anything is possible" is so cliche, but my thought of how cliche that really is, just became totally twisted. I am right, I am success, I am Christopher Colas. If you don't like it.....Don't read anything else on this blog.
As always......Enjoy..............(Christopher Colas).
For some reason this lifted my spirit....take a listen to "Shoot up the station" By B.o.B