Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The best of the 2000's week 4

Album #7
N.A.S.A-Sprit of Apollo

I'm not gunna lie, when I first heard of an album with 60 featured artists on it.......I wrote it off as impossible. Well, someone get Tom Cruise, cuz N.A.S.A did the impossible. (ha ha............c'mon laugh!.......................please?) This album is a work of art. The music juggles between techno, hip hop, latin, and reggae to bring you a unique sound. The artists are matched in order to compliment each other. Kanye, Lykke Li and Santigold.......Wu Tang....the list of top tier artists is incredible. This is a MUST own album, a true classic of our generation.

Movie #7
Rush Hour 3

What took them so long! This movie was long overdue, but worth it. The usual hijinks of the two cops is always entertaining, and my only complaint with the movie was that it ended too soon. Well........Ill just wait for Rush Hour 4.

Game #7
Gears of War series

Ahhhhhhhhh........senseless violence. That's what defines Gears of War, the chainsaw guns, the finishing kills, the gore, and you know what? It's so much fun! I mean if you're looking for a deep storyline and complex characters, search elsewhere, sometimes you just need to take time and enjoy the simple things in beating the life out of your opponents on Xbox live.

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